The Ministry of Education and Culture’s key performance indicator is used as an indicator for accreditation at both the study program and university levels. This can be seen from how graduates can be the first to be employed, build entrepreneurship, or pursue further studies.
The 2021 UGM Tracer Study dissemination was held on Wednesday (10/02). On this occasion, the Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs explained the implementation of the 2021 UGM Tracer Study to PIC and enumerators from all faculties and schools at UGM. This event was attended by more than 120 participants, who were PICs and enumerators from each study program, faculty, and school.
Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., the Director of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives in his speech said that this tracer study can illustrate the study program improvements. It can show the impact of curriculum on students to produce good outputs and outcomes. Therefore, the survey is carried out from the faculty level to the study program in order to get the maximum result.
“The enumerators and study programs have a significant role because they can reach a wider range of alumni,” he said.
Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations, delivered her presentation on the implementation of the 2021 UGM Tracer Study. She stated that the purpose of the tracer study is to improve the curriculum to produce graduates with character, develop graduates’ competencies to meet the market needs, and provide feedback for the higher education quality improvement.
Not only discussing the mechanism of the questionnaire survey, but it also discusses the strategy to increase the response rate, the stages of implementing the tracer study in 2021 to be more integrated and easy-monitored. Moreover, a wider range of alumni is expected as there are enumerators for each study program.
The current tracer study also accommodates both study programs and faculties, which have different specificities, depending on the field of study. Therefore, there are several specific questions for a particular study program or field.
It is expected that the enumerator could work collaboratively with each PIC of faculty, study program, Alumni Relations, and related field. This good teamwork is needed for curriculum improvement to producing qualified graduates who meet the market needs.
[Alumni Relations / Articles: Winona, Photo: Dave]