Debriefing for prospective postgraduate graduation period January 2021 successfully held online on Tuesday (19/01) through the Zoom Meeting Room and live broadcast through YouTube. Approximately 600 participants from various faculties and schools at UGM attended this event.
“The graduation is not the end of your journey. Ladies and gentlemen are expected to keep learning and working for the nation and state, especially in this pandemic situation which affects nationally and globally.” Said Anton Mart Irianto, Chairman I PP KAGAMA, in his speech commencing the event.
“UGM and KAGAMA in synergy”, he continued, “Every UGM academician is expected to be excellent in facing challenges both nationally and globally.
Despite graduating in the midst of a pandemic, UGM still produces qualified graduates for the nation and state. Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, said that graduates during the pandemic actually had resilience because they encountered significant changes in most of the life aspects.
“The current situation forges our minds and mental to be more resilient in facing future challenges and to compete with other nations in the world,” he said.
Presenting as the speakers were Dr. drh. H. Rohidin Mersyah, M.M.A., Governor of Bengkulu and Ir. Destiawan Soewardjono, M.M., President Director of PT Waskita Karya (Persero), Tbk. This event was moderated by drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM.
Rohidin stated that prospective graduates would leave this campus, a learning place limited with time and space. They will, then, face the life journey where they are required for long-life learning and continuously challenged.
“Challenges will come without warning. It will be more complex and exponential,” said the alumnus of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
He continued, “We are currently faced with a situation which requires everything to be easy, cheap, and fast. On the other hand, our resources are limited, and the problem’s complexity is no longer linear. Therefore, a qualified and tested graduates’ characters are truly needed.
“Moral character is first to obtain, such as an honesty, responsibility, friendly and humanist attitude towards the environment. Moreover, performance character, such as tough, hard-working, resilient, and perseverance, is also needed,” he added.
Destiawan also illustrated the effort to achieve the goals. “the real campus is out there, in the society,” said the alumnus of Faculty of Economics and Business, UGM.
The present Managing Director of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk also talked about his journey at PT Waskita Karya, one of the construction sector companies. As previously stated, in the working world, especially at PT Waskita Karya, quality characters such as prioritizing integrity, being professional, and teamwork in solving problems are strongly required.
“Trustworthy, responsibility, and self-improvement are also important to give the best for the company as well as the nation and state,” he continued
The debriefing gave insight that being UGM alumni means they have to share their knowledge with society.
[Alumni Relations / Articles: Winona, Photo: Dave]