The Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives hosted UGM Virtual Career Fair August 2021 (UGM VCF 2021). This event was held from 3 – 5 August 2021 through Zoom Meeting Room and broadcasted via YouTube.
Approximately 340 participants enthusiastically attended the first day of UGM VCF 2021 on Tuesday (3/8). In her opening remark, Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc.Apt., Secretary of the Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, stated that UGM VCF returned to provide a meeting room for stakeholders, students, and alumni.
“Even though we are still facing the pandemic, it is not a limitation as we could keep university engagement with stakeholders through this virtual fair (UGM VCF)”, she continued. She hoped the participants could gain a myriad of information from the speakers today.
The first day speakers were Yogyakarta Administrative Region Office of Manpower and Transmigration, Dompet Dhuafa, Career Class in collaboration with KAGAMA, SAMORA Group, PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, and PT Nasmoco Group. The DIY Manpower and Transmigration Office commenced the webinar by explaining the strategies and efforts of the Ministry of Manpower and the regional office to reduce the unemployment rate. It was done by improving human resource competitiveness so that they could compete both nationally and globally.
A career class followed the event. It was delivered by Asep Sapa’at from Dompet Dhuafa. He explained the key to success on how to view our work to be more meaningful. First, we have to determine our passion. Next, he elaborated that we must consider whether it is meaningful and must be followed by progress and action. On top of that, we have to determine our long-term dream goals and balance it with a growth mindset.
Next in line was Agus Supriyo, an alumnus of the Faculty of Forestry. He illustrated the role of a social media specialist. He stated that in this digital era, many jobs related to digital are offered. One of them is a social media specialist. Since many people use social media, companies view it as a strategic marketing target. Looking at that, the current generation must keep themselves update with technology and digital development.
Following the career class to strengthen the character, some companies such as SAMORA Group, PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, and PT Nasmoco Group also presented the company profiles and available positions. The available vacancies are open to all majors backgrounds.
This event is expected to accommodate final year students and alumni to equip themselves and have the opportunity to apply at UGM stakeholders.