Head of Sub-directorate (Subdit) of Alumni Relations of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) met the Vice Regent of Wonosobo, Ir. Agus Subagyo, M.Si., at the Wonosobo Vice Regent’s Office House, Thursday (29/3). The meeting with the local government officials (Pemkab) Wonosobo is intended to capture the potential alumni and KAGAMA Mandiri in the region. It is expected to build UGM communication and synergy to support the potentials development in the region.
There were a number of issues discussed in this meeting, one of which is the UGM initiation to optimize the role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Wonosobo through innovations initiated by UGM alumni.
According to the Head of UGM Alumni Relations Sub-directorate, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., the agricultural sector that became the economy’s mainstay in Wonosobo Regency can still be developed even better, especially in supporting the economic welfare in the community.
In line with the program launched by UGM through the Directorate of Development and Incubation Business (DPUI), currently, there are many processed agricultural product innovations that can be applied in Wonosobo to increase the selling value of agricultural commodities and to build its marketing distribution network.
“Our focus is to pioneer cooperation in the region’s KAGAMA and to foster their entrepreneurial spirit for the development of BUMDes that can produce quality processed agricultural products such as Coffee, Purwaceng (Pimpinella pruatjan), and other Wonosobo superior commodities, as well as herbs for natural medicines,” said Dr. Sulistyowati.
Not only in the innovation of processed agricultural products, UGM also continues to encourage the birth of new entrepreneurs in Indonesia, including from Wonosobo Regency. To that end, some entrepreneurship programs of DPUI UGM have also been prepared especially to target young people so that more and more graduates are interested to become an entrepreneur through the alumni network.
Ir. Agus Subagyo, M.Si. expressed his appreciation and welcomed the cooperation effort initiated by UGM. Agus also stated that Wonosobo Regency is very open towards all input and innovation from any parties, including universities, for the development of the region. “UGM has long been known as a populist university because many of its programs are directly able to give a widespread impact for the community,” said Agus who is also an alumnus of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Agus who currently serves as Chairman of Wonosobo Regency Alumni Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) and is an entrepreneur himself also expressed his readiness to facilitate UGM academic community in carrying out Tri Dharma activities in Wonosobo Regency such as Kuliah Kerja Nyata (a community service program) and research programs. [Eggy/Farah]