Alumni gathering that was held at the Jogja National Museum, Friday (16/2), became a historic moment for the alumni of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (DTPB) Universitas Gadjah Mada. Other than functioning as a meeting point of tens of cross-generations alumni, this event also marks the birth of the idea to form a forum for alumni of Agricultural Engineering UGM.
According to Dr. Ir. Murtiningrum, M. Eng., Secretary of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering UGM, the initiation of an alumni DTPB forum establishment came from the desire and agreement of all alumni. The presence of this forum is expected to facilitate DTPB alumni to interact with each other and strengthen the kinship that is built on the same emotional and historical base.
“Although the activities of the Agricultural Engineering alumni have been accommodated with the presence of KAGAMA at the university level and KAGAMATP (Agricultural Technology) at the faculty level, there are other specific things that can only be obtained with the formation of this forum,” said Murtiningrum.
The DTPB alumna of the class of 1989 disclosed that the presence of an alumni forum can be used as the connecting access for alumni to give their best contribution to their alma mater. The alumni will be able to provide information about the career world that is needed for students and to provide inputs to the existing learning process in DTPB.
“DTPB alumni also participate in the accreditation process of national level courses through BAN-PT and international level through ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). This is good for supporting the improvement of DTPB UGM branding, “said Murtiningrum.
In order to realize this idea in the near future, five of the attending alumni at the alumni gathering were appointed as members of the Formation Council. The five alumni are Mahargono (class of 1987), Joko Nugroho (1988), Bob (1995), Hasan Al-Bana (2007), and Hilda Maya (2012).
The Formulation Council is mandated to formulate the official name and to organize the organizational structure of UGM Agricultural Engineering alumni that can accommodate all aspiration. [Eggy/Farah]