Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Panut Mulyono, affirmed that UGM will always prioritize its contribution to national prosperity and development. One way is by supporting the development of potential sectors owned by each region through the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. This he said in front of the attending regional leaders who became invited guests in the event “UGM Mendengar: Synergy in Building the Country”, at Senate Hall, UGM Central Building on Friday (2/6) night.
“UGM is committed to support regional development, such as in the implementation of community service program (KKN). Empowering the community by sending students and lecturers to remote areas in Indonesia has very good benefits, this has been implemented since a long time ago and will continue to be implemented,” he said when giving a speech.
The attending regional leaders are UGM alumni who were elected in the 2017 Regional Head Election a couple months ago. Among them are dr. H. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) (Regent of Kulonprogo), H. Marten Taha, S.E., M.Ec. Dev. (Mayor of Gorontalo), Irawan Prasetyadi, S.Si. (Vice-regent of Temanggung), Ir. H. Agus Subagyo (Vice-Regent of Wonosobo), Willem Wandik, SE. M.Si. (Regent of Puncak), Muhammad Harris, S.S., M.Sc. (Vice-mayor of Salatiga), and Dra. Hj. Sri Muslimatun, M.Kes. (Vice-regent of Sleman).
Through the event that was held by the Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs, UGM also listened to the exposure related to the potentials and problems faced by the regions. Apart from understanding the existing conditions, this also aims to harmonize the contribution that UGM will provide with the different needs in each region. UGM also invited the Board of Professors, university leaders, and faculty leaders to be able to provide input from diverse perspectives.
Addressing the hot issue of diversity, Panut hoped it does not lead to community disunity. Because if that happens, it can have a negative impact on the priorly planned programs of regional development.
“We all hope that with this synergy between UGM and regions, programs that have goals for community welfare and prosperity will be able to go well, the key is to maintain stability and unity,” added Panut. [Eggy]