Public Broadcasting Institute of Radio Republik Indonesia (LPP RRI) in cooperation with Universitas Gadjah Mada held a National Concert, Unity in Diversity: Proving the Commitment of Jogja Istimewa to One Indonesia. The National Concert which has been successfully held in Jakarta and Kendari, visited Yogyakarta this time with its various festivities.
Located at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, the concert that was held on Saturday (23/09) aims to strengthen the unity of Indonesia which stands on its diverse people and culture. The selection of UGM as a place to hold a National Concert was not without reason. M. Rohanudin, President Director of LPP RRI stated that there is an emotional connection between RRI and UGM. “RRI was founded on September 11, 1945, right after Indonesia’s independence and as a unifying radio of the nation. Four years later in 1949, UGM was established as the first and oldest university in Indonesia. Equally the first and the oldest, we have one figure whAo fought in our institutions’ establishment; namely Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Saleh. That is where the tight relationship between RRI and UGM lays until now,” said Rohanudin when delivering a national speech in front of 3000 people who attended the concert.
Not only Rohanudin, UGM Rector Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D.Eng., also conveyed his speech related to the value of unity that must always be maintained. Panut said that Indonesia is very diverse and many parties are trying to cause division for Indonesian unity. That’s why Panut gave motivation to everyone especially the young generation to maintain Indonesian unity.
Enlivened by Novita Dewi, Jikustik, Bams, Bintang Radio Indonesia, Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra, and UGM Student Choir, the National Concert also presented national and traditional songs from the western to the east ends of Indonesia. [Eva]