“What is the sin of politics? It can be very kind and beneficial to the people,” said Ganjar Pranowo, Chairman of the Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in a discussion on Teras Kita: Outlook 2018, Indonesia Challenge in 2018 Political Year, that was held on Friday (15/12) at the Senate Hall of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
In the third year of organizing Teras Kita, the theme of 2018 political year was brought to face the 171 provincial elections of which 17 are governor elections. This 2018 political year is important because it is predicted to be the momentum of consolidating political forces for the actual democratic feast in 2019.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D.Eng. who also participated in the discussion underlined that Indonesia is a country that is mature enough so that whatever the political frenzy that occurs should not interfere with other activities in the nation and state. “UGM as the guide of nation’s civilization continues to work with the support of its unified alumni despite having differences in political views. Hopefully our activities today can contribute to the progress of the nation,” said Prof. Panut.
The discussion that was held on the cooperation of UGM, KOMPAS, and KAGAMA was also attended by Trias Kuncahyono, KOMPAS Wapemred (Deputy Editor-in-chief) who gave an explanation related to the background of the discussion. Trias said that Teras Kita aims to see what might happen in Indonesia and look for alternative solutions to overcome the problems that would be faced. “We all want to develop Indonesia. We all want to fight for democracy. So it is impossible for us as intellectuals, to just stay put and see what happens in Indonesia,” said Trias.
Attended by more than 100 people from the UGM academic community, KAGAMA, invited guests, and journalists, Teras Kita discussion presents three speakers discussing three different topics. They are; Dr. Ari Sujito, S.Sos., M.Si. (Political Sociology Lecturer, Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences UGM) who discussed prospects and challenges in the field of government and politics in 2018, Prof. Dr. Eddy OS Hiariej, S.H., M.Hum. (Criminal Law Professor, Faculty of Law UGM) who discussed prospects and challenges in law field of 2018, and Denni Puspa Purbasari, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Deputy III Office of Presidential Staff) who discussed prospects and challenges in the economic field in 2018.
Lasted for two hours, the discussion went conducive and warm on the expertise of Bambang Sigap Sumantri (Bureau Chief of KOMPAS DI Yogyakarta) and Prof. Dr. Koentjo, Ph.D. (Faculty of Psychology UGM Professor) as moderators that day. All those who present in the discussion agreed with the sources, that the dynamics of 2018 political year should not adversely affect other aspects of life in order to maintain national stability. [Eva/Farah]