Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi attended and opened the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) of Alumni Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, Saturday (16/12). In his speech, the Chief Executive of KAGAMA’s Central Committee invited all KAGAMA members to take an active role in creating a conducive climate in the community. This can not be separated from the challenges faced by the Indonesian nation in entering 2018 and 2019 political years.
“I urge all KAGAMA members, wherever you are, to keep being and must be a binding agent of unity and brotherhood. The difference in the choice is a necessity in the democracy, but we must have the same spirit for the glory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia,” he said in front of more than 100 participants of the National Working Meeting consisting of KAGAMA Central Board (PP) and Regional Board (Pengda).
The occurrence of natural disasters that plagued Indonesia lately was also discussed and became a special concern for Budi Karya Sumadi. As an organization born from the ward of a populist university, Budi ensures that KAGAMA will continue to play a role in helping others in need. In addition to the KAGAMA program that has been prepared, assistance will also be available through the state and private institutions due to the role of UGM’s best alumni who lead in them.
“We have a program called ‘KAGAMA Peduli’ (‘KAGAMA Care’), we want to show that KAGAMA also has a high sense of concern and empathy in responding to some catastrophic events as well as humanitarian issues such as Rohingya and Palestine,” Budi added.
The National Working Meeting is an annual event to strengthen the relationship between central and regional boards in one discussion space. Rakernas is also held as a consolidation step of KAGAMA member’s thoughts, ideas, and hopes to be more efficient in giving the best contribution to the nation, alma mater, community, and fellow alumni.
This Rakernas was held for the third time under the leadership of General Chairman Ganjar Pranowo. This national congress that was held in Kendari took the theme “KAGAMA Bersinergi Untuk Negeri” (KAGAMA Synergizing for The Country”). Some important agendas include the submission of the KAGAMA Central Board 2017 Responsibility Report submitted by the Special Staff of the Ministry of State Secretary and President Communication Team AAGN Ari Dwipayana, as well as the delivery of views from the regional board representatives. Some of the attending Regional Board include the Provinces of Banten, South Sumatra, D.K.I Jakarta, and D.I. Yogyakarta. [Eggy/Farah]