Putrama Wahju Setyawan, Director of Medium Businesses, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), was asked to be a speaker in the event “Prospective Graduates Debriefing for the Period of January 2018 Post-graduate Program”, Tuesday (23/1). The alumnus of the Faculty of Forestry, familiarly called Iwan, was presented to share his experience during his career and to motivate graduates in the Grha Sabha Pramana building.
As a leader in a national banking company, Iwan explained a lot about the importance of every graduate to enrich their competence beyond academic excellence, one of which is leadership.
According to him, the digital age with technological advances like today, the character of leadership must also be able to adjust to the development of the existing era. Those irrelevant previous leadership models must be changed to keep the organization moving forward. As does his company in answering the challenges of business competition and the dynamics of increasingly complex and diverse individuals.
“Almost 70% of BNI employees are of the millennial generation, of course, the treatment that is done by BNI is different from the previous era. Currently, we provide more space for employees to be creative and innovative,” he said.
In front of more than 1,000 prospective graduates, Iwan also revealed some of the leadership criteria needed and must be owned in the current era.
According to him, to be a leader you must have the capacity to be a problem solver in every problem faced by the organization. In addition, leaders must also be equipped with the ability to be a decision maker, and able to manage stress very well.
“Communication style is also important and needs to be considered. The instructions given to the team must be clearly accepted and do not cause any doubt, so as to be able to properly transmit the vision and mission of the company,” added Iwan.
The same thing was expressed by Henry Weddiasmara, Head of Risk Management, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam who was paired with Iwan to speak.
According to the alumnus of Master of Management UGM, there is one thing who is also very important to be owned by someone who leads an organization, especially in business companies of national and multinational scales. It is the ability to map and analyze the potential risks of any policies implemented. “Every set goal always has risks that follow,” he said.
Based on his experience of being a leader in a state-owned mining company, there are some technical and non-technical risks that may occur within a business organization. These risks include political, geological, price, supply and demand risks, financing, and security.
By acknowledging the impact and risks that will occur early on, the organization or company will be more prepared in managing its investment capital in order not to suffer significant losses. [Eggy/Farah]