Universitas Gadjah Mada welcomed a comparative study visit from the Student Welfare Division and Directorate of Alumni Relations, Diponegoro University (Undip), Tuesday (30/1). The presence of a group of 15 people was welcomed by the head of Sub-Directorate of Alumni Relations UGM in Multimedia Room 2, UGM Central Building.
The one-day agenda of the visit was filled with discussions and experience sharing on the work programs of alumni relations in each institution, including tracer study and graduate career development program.
As told by Drs. Mujid Farihul Amin, M.Pd., Director of Communication and Alumni Relations Undip, the main purpose of his presence and the entourage is to strengthen and improve the service of alumni in Undip. He considered UGM is one example of a university with a good management of alumni services.
In particular, Mujid also asked about UGM success tips in recruiting alumni to fill the Tracer Study questionnaire.
“The tracer study program in Undip still faces many obstacles, especially the participation of alumni which is still quite low. We are innovating to increase the participation of alumni,” said Mujid.
Head of Sub-Directorate of Alumni Relations UGM Dr. Sulistyowati, S.H., M.Hum. represented the host felt proud and happy to have this visit. In the discussion, Sulistyowati explained many programs and services that have been implemented by UGM, such as Integrated Career Days and the making of alumni card which is now integrated with banking services. She also included UGM efforts in building synergy with alumni in different regions through the program “UGM Greet Alumni”.
“Currently, we are building an information system application to make alumni management easier by utilizing technological advances, such as Simponi and Sahabat UGM applications,” she said.
Sulistyowati hopes that this good relationship will affect the performance improvement of alumni service managers in both universities, in UGM as well as in Diponegoro University. UGM according to her also get a lot of inspiration in managing alumni services such as some applications that have been made by Diponegoro University. [Eggy/Farah]