The visit of the Rector in “UGM Greet Alumni” in early February to Sorong and Waisai became one of the special moments for UGM alumni in West Papua. The opportunity was put to good use to build consolidation among the alumni.
In an established communication, a number of alumni agreed for a regional board (Pengda) of Alumni Family of Universitas Alumni Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) in West Papua. UGM Rector Prof. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D.Eng. supports this initiation to be realized immediately.
Feri Taa, S.H., M.Si., Chief Executive of Formation Council of KAGAMA West Papua Formation, mentioned that the process of establishing KAGAMA West Papua has reached the final stage. The organizational structure and other administrative features have also been arranged and prepared. Currently, KAGAMA West Papua is only awaiting endorsement by the Chairman of the Central Board (PP) KAGAMA, Ganjar Pranowo.
According to Feri, there are several things behind this initiation of KAGAMA West Papua stewardship, one of them is as a means of strengthening synergy and communication among alumni. “This (KAGAMA West Papua) should be formed so that alumni who return from Yogyakarta are able to be well connected,” he said in Swiss-belhotel, Sorong, Sunday (5/2).
Besides with fellow alumni, Feri Taa also revealed the reason for the establishment of KAGAMA West Papua is to bring closer the alumni with the alma mater. Moreover, most of the regional heads in West Papua are alumni of UGM. Of course, the synergy between UGM and the region is needed to improve the regional development progress.
“KAGAMA is also formed to make it easier to communicate with UGM. Later, we will make use of the platform to hold discussions in order to solve the problems that occurred in West Papua,” added Feri.
As a region that resulted from the expansion of Papua Province that was only formed in 1999, West Papua has yet to have KAGAMA management, both at the provincial and regency/city levels. Even though there are at least more than 300 UGM alumni who reside in this region. Difficulties in communication become a constraint for KAGAMA former committee which was already pioneered since 2009.
Related to the response of UGM alumni in West Papua, Feri Taa responded that the alumni are very excited and enthusiastic about the establishment of this KAGAMA Regional Board (Pengda). Even two local officials, specifically Tambrauw Regent Gabriel Asem, S.H., M.S.i, and Sorong Regent Dr. Johny Kamuru were directly involved in filling the stewardship structure.
“Gabriel Asem, we appointed him as chairman, while Johny Kamuru, as a senior, we trusted him to be the Advisory Council,” Feri added.
The KAGAMA West Papua agenda is currently still focusing on data collection of alumni in West Papua and administrative preparation to be reported to KAGAMA PP Central Board. Ferry hopes in March 2018, KAGAMA West Papua will have been officially approved and will immediately hold the Working Meeting to formulate the focus of the activities that will be undertaken. [Eggy/Farah]