“People with disabilities are a national asset with no less great potentials, they can not be neglected simply because they are different from most people who are born normally,” said Dwi Mukti Wibowo while giving a speech in the event “Debriefing of Prospective Graduates of April 2018 Period Graduate Program” in Grha Sabha Pramana, Wednesday (18/4).
According to the alumnus of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada, people with disabilities are still burdened by the increasingly complex and diverse problems. The still lingering mindset and negative stigma developed in society also make PwDs (People with Disabilities) in a marginalized position from various aspects of life.
Let’s take an example in the field of education, there are not a lot of people with disabilities who can receive the proper education, whereas according to Dwi, education is a basic right for all citizens as an asset to face their future. Along with public facilities, the reality is still far from the word ‘friendly’ in supporting the productivity and mobility of PwDs.
“We should not judge and discriminate, they are not the nation’s burden, they only have limitations, the government and society should provide moral support and adequate facilities so that they can move independently like most people,” said Dwi.
In front of the prospective graduates, Dwi said that UGM graduates should be more aware of the social problems that befell PwDs. Dwi also invited UGM alumni to be directly involved in PwDs empowerment effort in encouraging the development of their potential.
Dwi, who currently serves as Deputy Director of Communications of Bank Indonesia also expects the participation of higher education institutions such as UGM to facilitate PwDs to obtain higher education.
“UGM through its populist values teaches us to care about social issues. The advantages of academic provision gained in Gadjah Mada campus become meaningless if we do not contribute to the society,” said the man who is currently actively involved in the empowerment of PwDs through the De Brele Foundation he initiated.
In line with Dwi, Dr. I. Hendrasmo, M.A., expert staff of the Directorate General of Public Information and Communication of Kemenkominfo (Ministry of Communication and Informatics) expressed the importance of our concern for PwDs. The paradigm in the society that overrules the role of PwDs should be changed so that It is easier for them to take part and do their role in supporting the nation’s development.
“We want to ensure that people with disabilities have the equal convenience in accessing various information. Not only that, Kominfo also plays a role in providing socialization and understanding to the community that people with disabilities have the same position and rights as other Indonesian citizens.” said the UGM alumni of FISIPOL (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) as a guest speaker with Dwi. [Eggy/Farah]