The Virtual Alumni Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kagama) or KaVir in cooperation with UGM Alumni House held “Excell Training for Data Analysis” in Multimedia Room, 2nd Floor Margono Building, Faculty of Cultural Science UGM, Wednesday (9/5).
A total of 50 participants attended the training that was held from morning until noon. Not only participated by members of Kagama Virtual, participants also came from UGM academicians such as educational staff and lecturers in Universitas Gadjah Mada.
In accordance with Kagama Virtual motto which is “learning community”, this activity is dedicated as a form of contribution from Gadjah Mada alumni community that is active in the cyberspace in sharing knowledge from its members who have diverse backgrounds.
“Since the beginning of this community’s formation, we always want to share positive things. One of them is by sharing experiences we have to other alumni and UGM students,” said Arif Prihantoro.
The theme of this Kagama Virtual activity, which is ‘Excell Training for Data Analysis’ didn’t come out of nowhere.
According to Arif, the development of technology era that is increasingly advanced with the presence of social media makes the recent human virtual activity through online devices keeps on increasing.
Indirectly, various information such as personal data is easily spread in cyberspace through the interaction made and recorded by the system and frequently used applications.
“There needs to be an education on the wise utilization of digital media and tips to secure our personal data to keep us safe. Because in our experience, some of us still do not understand nor realize that our online activities are continuously monitored by a system,” said Arif.
In addition to sharing knowledge, the event that was held by Kagama Virtual is also filled with Kagama Virtual scholarship fundraising for UGM students.
Funds of over 200 million rupiahs were collected through training registration contribution as well as voluntary contributions from Kagama Virtual members. [Eggy / Ariani]