PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT RAPP) one of the largest pulp and paper manufacturer under APRIL Group, held campus hiring collaborated with Subdirectorate of Alumni Relation Universitas Gadjah Mada.
“We usually do our recruitment process through job fair in UGM since 2017 and we will also participate in the upcoming career days held by Subdirectorate of Alumni Relation next month,” said Dian Anggereni, HR-Recruitment of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper while interviewed in Multimedia Room, Building A, Faculty of Forestry UGM, Tuesday (12/03).
Recruitment process was held for two days, started from online CV registration from applicants to PT RAPP administrator. There are 475 applicants who have sent their files, 120 applicants were invited to do pyschological test in Seminar Room, UGM Main Library on Monday (12/03).
The first day was started with the registration opened from 08.00 WIB then continued with company profile presentation and the positions offered that will be fulfilled by the applicants if they are pass the tests. From 120 applicants invited, there were only 60 people attended. At 13.00 WIB, the candidates started to do psychological test until 16.00 WIB.
The applicants who pass the administration selection come from various departments in UGM, especially Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Physics Science students, which are the most needed majors in PT RAPP.
The next step after psychological test is interview test on Tuesday (12/03), located in Multimedia Room, Building A, Faculty of Forestry UGM. The candidates who pass the psychological test will be directly contacted by PT RAPP and then arrange meeting according to the schedule. There are 40 candidates who made it through the interview test.
Dian said that there are quite a lot UGM alumni work in PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper.
“There are many UGM graduates work in our company, especially from mechanical and chemical engineering departments,” she added. [UGM Alumni Relation/Irzha;Photo:Winona]