dr. H. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K). was the winner of the 2017 Alumni Awards for the Empowerment of Aftermost, Foremost, Outermost Areas. Hasto is an alumnus from Faculty of Medicine UGM and graduated in 1989. Subsequently, in 2000 he graduated the first specialist degree from the Faculty of Medicine UGM and successfully completed the second specialist degree in 2006 in the same faculty. Hasto is known as a doctor and entrepreneur in the field of health services. The man who was born in Kulon Progo, July 30, 1964, was recorded as having served as the Head of a Regional Hospital in several districts in East Kalimantan, which was the beginning of his career in the health sector. Hasto has also worked in some important positions at the RSUP Dr. Sardjito and even had an active role in academic activities as a Lecturer in the Obstetric and Gynecology Study Program also the Secretary of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, UGM. In addition, Hasto is the owner of the Sadewa Special Hospital for Women and Children (RSKIA) in Yogyakarta as well as an obstetrician who helps in the process of childbirth and deals with women’s reproductive problems.
From 2011 to 2019, Hasto was elected as Regent of Kulon Progo. While leading, there lot of work programs and innovations that he had already created, one of which was the “Bela & Beli Kulon Progo” program. This program issued a policy requiring students and civil servants in Kulon Progo to wear the Gebleg renteng batik uniform, typical of Kulon Progo batik, on certain days. This program is also able to boost the local batik industry given the large number of students and staff of civil servants in Kulon Progo. Hasto also requires each official and his government staff to buy rice produced by Kulonprogo farmers by 10 kilograms per month. Raskin rice managed by the local Bulog also uses rice produced by Kulon Progo farmers. Besides rice, Hasto made the PDAM to develop a bottled mineral water production business under the AirKu (Air Kulon Progo) brand. Through various work programs resulting from its innovation, there has been an increase in the Kulon Progo economy over the years. Hasto did this solely so that a prosperous community would be able to manage the potential of the crops wisely. In April 2019, Hasto was officially appointed as Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (abbreviated BKKBN) by Minister of Health Republic Indonesia. For his dedication, hard work and extraordinary achievements, Hasto won many awards such as a Model Doctor in 1992 by President Soeharto, Satya Lencana KB in 2010 by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and in 2016 by President Jokowi, Hasto was awarded the Bintang Star Main Services in social field.