Chief Executive Officer of National Gas Company (PGN) Tbk., Gigih Prakoso Soewarto is indeed a persistent and intelligent person. It is not an instant process to be able to become Chief Executive Officer in a well-known company. There are many values within someone’s personality which can always be improved and developed.
During graduation debriefing event for UGM Master Degree Program, Tuesday (23/4) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, Gigih said that as UGM graduate, alumni must have strong competition skill and high confidence because many other universities also have their graduates prepared, then alumni UGM must deliver strong competence to compete in working industry.
Gigih has many experiences in PGN and he sees that Indonesia still has many opporunities to utilize natural gas. This can be done to reach endurance of energy, especially if Indonesia wants to push on its industrial sector. He also added that PGN will continuously develop and widen gas infrastructure and promote gas as advantageous clean energy. PGN always try to embrace all member of society, from household, small industry (UMKM), to large scale industry.
PGN as one of the biggest national company in Indonesia, mainly in natural gas distribution and transportation, has big role to fulfill domestic gas supply. PGN continues to innovate to make our society could also make use of this natural gas.
“Awareness of our people about how more efficient natural gas utilization is must be accommodated. Converting to gas is surely could reduce fossil fuel and LPG,”
For entire of his career, Gigih also has ethic principle which make Gigih as Chief Executive Officer of PGN now.
“Knowledge and competence must keep improved so we can give new innovation in the company we work for,” he said.
Gigih added that persistence towards one particular thing will give us great result. Consistency also important to be built to maximize capacity within someone’s personality. He, who previously work in Pertamina, said that profesionalism and integrity are main life principle he holds on to his career improvement.
“Profesionalism and integrity are impotant things in our career. Wherever we work, it is important to give our best to our company,” he revealed.
Consistency among what we think, what we say, and what we do within good ethics could improve someone’s integrity. Alumni of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada delivered that it is important for someone to have integrity within themselves so we can be useful for ourselves or other people. AS CEO of PGN, Gigih hoped that every human resources in PGN could also practice those values.
Gigih said to all graduates to make use of knowledge they already have during the course and contribute to company they work for.
“Stay positive to look out for the future and the most important is to keep professional and keep contributing as much as possible,” he revealed.
[UGM Alumni Relation/Winona;Translated by Irzha;Photo:Wildan]