Integrity becomes important character for every Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) graduates. Similar topics also delivered by Abiprayadi Riyanto, Chief Representative Officer of Societe Generale during Master Degree Graduation Debriefing Periode July 2019, Tuesday (23/7) at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM.
Abi, who also alumni of Faculty of Engineering UGM said to the graduates to stay humble after they receive their degree.
“Value of UGM consists of integrity and professionalism, objectivity and fairness, and also social consent,” added Abi.
As former Executive Director of PT Mandiri Sekuritas, he said that every UGM graduates must have integrity because an individual with integrity will affect our own name and the company we work for. A person’s credibility in career progress could be seen from a person’s experience in every step of their lives with integrity.
“Other things that I want to say is never underestimate people who is in lower position than you because everyone could be in higher position than you in any different time,” he said.
Arrogance is also one thing to avoid. For Abi, everything we have gained is nothing more than God’s graceful gift and as a human, we have to be grateful and through it all with full honesty.
“Never stop to learn. Because when we feel satisfied and arrogant for our accomplishments, then we would stop growing and do not want tp try many other new things. As master and doctoral degree, you have to adapt and be dynamic along with communication and technology development,” said alumni of class 1977.
Many UGM characteristics that alumni can embed in every aspect of life. One of them is stay humble and be honest. During his career journey, Abi always invest in those things so he is known as a person who has good value for companies. Abi also stressed that after you graduate from UGM, you must bring your UGM characteristics to assist you in the next chapter of life.
As a businessman, Abi also paid attention to how economy development in Indonesia from global point of view. Indonesia has known for its development in infrastructure and economy sector. Along with this, Abi said that the world is starting to recognize economic situation in Indonesia so it is important for alumni to take this opportunity by keep innovating and creating.
“We must get involved in Indonesia’s economy development. UGM alumni could not be only spectators but also take part in this process,” he added. [Alumni Relations/Article:Winona;Translated by Irzha;Photo: Wildan]