The Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM) received help assistance in the form of classrooms in collaboration with H.D. Barlianta Harahap (Alm.), Alumni of the Faculty of Economics UGM, along with the Alumni Family of Gadjah Mada Faculty of Economics (KAFEGAMA) class of 1958. The handover event of H.D Barlianta Harahap classroom was held on Thursday (19/9) at Pertamina Tower 7th floor as well as symbolically awarding scholarships to representatives of FEB UGM scholarship recipients.
The event was attended by H.D. Barlianta Harahap (Alm.) wife and son, Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Director of the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and International Affairs (DKAUI), Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Sc., M.Sc., Secretary-General of KAFEGAMA, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Head of the Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations, Dr. Sulstyowati, M.Hum., Staff, lecturers, and scholarship recipients.
Cutting the ribbon was done directly by H.D. Barlianta Harahap’s wife together with the dean of FEB UGM. After cutting the ribbon, the event continued with remarks by those present. The FEB Dean in his speech said that the assistance provided by H.D. Barlianta Harahap family was expected to inspire both students and alumni of FEB UGM to be able to contribute in helping support learning activities at FEB UGM.
In line with what was conveyed by Eko Suwardi, Danang Sri Hadmoko as the director of DKAUI in his remarks also said that the assistance help that was given would certainly be used as much as possible especially as a means of supporting student activities which would later produce state officials in the future.
Representatives from H.D. Barlianta Harahap’s family also said that this assistance was a will and direct mandate from H.D. Barlianta Harahap before his death to help FEB UGM produce the best graduates who could make useful contributions to the nation and state.
“Starting small steps to build a nation will make other parties also follow it. There is no transactional development in the country so everything must be based on sincerity and willingness to help,” said the wife of Barlianta Harahap.
After giving a word or two, the program continued with the delivery of symbolic scholarships to scholarship recipients consisting of various majors and study programs at FEB UGM.
The hope is that the scholarship recipients can use facilities and assistance as much as possible and can carve achievements to make the good name of faculty and university, both at regional, national, and international levels.
[Alumni Relationship: Articles & photos: Winona; Translate: Nadya]