UGM Achievers Night gives many awards to academicians and alumni of UGM who have performed and contributed to improving UGM quality and playing a role in development of the country. The Alumni Awards were also part of a series in peak events held at Balairung UGM on Wednesday (10/16).
Drs. Gugup Kismono, M.B.A., Ph.D. as Secretary of the Chancellor gave a speech as well as opening in the event. Gugup said that the award given to the winners can increase motivation to expand the name of UGM both on a small and large scale. It also can be a motivation around to be able to continue honing their creativity and also dare to innovate.
Beside Gugup, UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., also gave a speech. Panut said the achievements had not come just easily, but there was an effort and prayer behind everything.
“Achievement is the result of synergy from various parties. Behind the people who are successful, there are many supports from the closest people, “he said.
Panut also hopes that all UGM academic community can become agents of change in their respective units so that development in every part of UGM can continue to improve their performance and quality.
There are five categories of winners who were awarded as Outstanding Alumni, namely the Pioneer of Aftermost, Foremost and Outermost Regional Empowerment awarded to Dra. Chandra Kirana Prijosusilo for her contribution to preserving the environment and developing disadvantaged areas. Then, the Pioneer of Innovation, Design, and Creativity given to Moch. Hamied Wijaya, S.E., S.Psi., M.M., for his creativity and innovation in improving the performance of workers who are conceptualized in MKE (Electronic Performance Management). Next up is the Entrepreneurship Pioneer, won by Dr. Gideon Hartono for his contribution in the world of health engaged in franchising as the founder of the K-24 Pharmacy. Then, the Culture Conservation Pioneer category was given to Joko Mursito, S.Sn., M.A., for his diligence in developing and preserving regional culture with a variety of artistic creations and synergizing between science and art. Finally, award for the Outstanding Young Alumni is given to Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid, M.Sc., Psychologist, for her contributions as observers as well as people who are concerned with the issue of diversity in Indonesia. Alissa is also an ambassador for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in Indonesia.
The five winners of the Alumni Awards have contributed to the development of the country. Their commitment to continue innovating and developing should be a role model for young people. The winners of the Alumni Awards also hope that every young person who wants to go forward is not afraid to start and dare to get up when falling.
[Alumni Relationship / Article: Winona, Photo: Aan, Translate: Nadya]