Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) visited PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP), Morowali, Central Sulawesi, on Saturday (19/10). UGM is the first university to visit IMIP. This activity was also attended by the President Director of IMIP. PT IMIP is an industrial area that manages Nickel-based industries considering that Morowali Regency has a potential nickel resource that is big enough to have prospects for development.
The visit to IMIP was attended by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Secretary of the Dean, Drs. Gugup Kismono, M.BA., Ph.D., Director of Partnerships, Alumni, and International Affairs, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Sc., M.Sc., Head of Alumni Relations Subdirectorat, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., And several other UGM officials.
Not only visiting the company, but the Chancellor also met with many alumni who took part in IMIP who came from various backgrounds in different fields of science. UGM also cooperates with IMIP at the same time with internships, recruitment, research, and other collaborations to develop the quality of human resources and can prospect for the needs of IMIP. The collaboration with IMIP is proof of UGM’s concern on the development of the talents of students and alumni to learn developing industries that can contribute to the development of Indonesian economy.
After a visit to IMIP, the UGM Chancellor and groups attended the Great Harvest event in Morowali Regency. Also present at the event was Morowali Regent, Drs. Taslim, along with several local officials. Head of Morowali Regency Bappeda, Drs. Emil Pontoh, M.Sc., whose MAP UGM alumnus, was also present at the event.
“We are UGM products. UGM Alumni are great and have simplicity. The potential in Morowali is huge and requires the role of alumni and PT for its development,” he said.
Seeing from the number of alumni who work in Morowali, Panut said that UGM is proud of the harmony of its alumni who are always trying to benefit the surrounding community. In addition, he added, the alumni who live in rural environments with limitations but still contribute maximally to the development of the surrounding area is something that should be used as a role model.
“UGM’s identity as a populist university has given birth to alumni who have spirit and perseverance,” Panut said.
In addition, UGM, local companies and also local governments, are expected to always work together, especially the alumni. The synergy between the three is believed to contribute even more to society. The initiation for the formation of KAGAMA Morowali Branch Manager was supported by the chancellor and was expected to be a gate for other cooperation between UGM and the company also local government.
[Alumni Relationship / Article: Winona; Photo: Lies; Translate: Nadya]