Moch. Hamied Wijaya is an alumnus of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, graduated in 1993. While studying in college, Hamied gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience. Aside from studying and following normal lectures, it turns out he is quite actively involved in several campus organizations. During his lecture, he was noted as Chairman of the Muslim Psychology Family (KMP) at the UGM Faculty of Psychology for the period 1989 to 1991. Hamied was also given the mandate as the General Chair of the UGM Student Senate Faculty of Psychology and served for 2 years (1990-1992), as well as being member of the Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Senate. After graduate, Hamied continued to actively participate in the UGM organization by becoming Chair of the Regional Administrators of the Universitas Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in the North Sumatra region for the period of 2016 – 2021.
For several years of a career and gained a wealth of experience in working, the man born in Blora, July 12, 1967, now works in a state-owned company (BUMN), namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero). Hamied has been the Director of Human Resources (HR) and General since 2014 until now. While working at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, Hamied made many breakthroughs with innovation, one of which was to optimize the management of human resources by using a digitizing system in the company environment, namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I. The system was divided into 2 namely Electronic Mail Management (MSE) and Management Electronic Performance (MKE). These two systems are present in the context of transparency and systematization of employee performance appraisal within the scope of the company’s HR. This system is successfully implemented and is proven to be one of the indicators of increasing profits in the company he works at.Thanks to the effort and cooperation, on 15 September 2009 Moch. Hamied successfully received various awards, one of which was Adikarya Bahari Sewaka from the Minister of Transportation. For his achievements, Moch. Hamied Wijaya also won the 2019 Alumni Awards in the category of Innovation, Design, and Creativity on the Awardee Night of Universitas Gadjah Mada which held in Balairung.