The Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is a connector between alumni and campus. A series of programs are made and released in order to maintain friendship and kinship that has been established.
On Tuesday (29/10) the UGM Alumni Relations Sub Directorate was visited by representatives from Bengkulu University in the sharing agenda on developing and strengthening career centers.
Attending the discussion were the Chairperson of the University of Bengkulu Career Development Center (CDC) Implementation Team, Dr. Hardiansyah, S.T., M.T., along with other team members namely Ferzha Putra Utama, S.T., M.Eng. and Adhadi Kurniawan, S.T., M.Eng. The three of them are UGM alumni who are now contributing to develop Bengkulu University.
As a university that has just been pioneered, Bengkulu University has a vision to be able to stay connected with its alumni. The visit from Bengkulu University as well as discussing the programs that will be built so that alumni can participate and contribute directly to the campus where they have studied, like UGM with its alumni.
The visit was welcomed by Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., as chairperson of the UGM Alumni Relations Directorate and the team. The questions and answers about the development of alumni and careers were held at the Alumni Relations Office, Bulaksumur D5.
Tracer Study as part of the work program of the UGM Alumni Relations Directorate is one of the main references for tracking alumni who have worked in government, private companies, and those who are in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as being a place for alumni to be able to provide criticism and advice for quality development university. In addition, several other programs that include alumni are also discussed in discussions related to career development governance systems such as Sahabat UGM, Alumni Awards, and other small activities.
Discussions between the team from the University of Bengkulu CDC with the chairperson of the Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations produced some description of the design program to be implemented at Bengkulu University. Reflecting on the programs that are being carried out by the UGM Alumni Relations Directorate, at least most of the alumni who have been scattered throughout the country, can be re-connected with UGM and even contribute directly to improve the quality development of UGM. The team from Bengkulu University, in their visit, appreciated the direct discussion activities with UGM Alumni Relations. The activity then ends with a group photo.
[Alumni Relationship: Winona, Photo: Aan, Translate: Nadya]