The series of alumni events continued with the Alumni Night event which held on Saturday (12/14) at the UGM Hall. This activity gathered UGM alumni and partners as well as a friendly night between alumni and partner leaders with UGM. This event was also part of a series of activities held by Lustrum XIV or the 70th Anniversary of UGM.
Present at the event was the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng. Panut expressed his gratitude to all the alumni who were presented that night, especially those from regions outside Yogyakarta.
“There is no university that can progress without the support of its alumni and UGM has proven that. UGM has become extraordinary as it is now due to the contribution of its alumni,” he said.
Panut hopes that the alumni can strengthen their synergy with each other as written in the couplet of the Gadjah Mada Hymn.
“We want the alumni to always remember their alma mater. Let’s together contribute to the glory of Indonesia,” he explained.
After the remarks, the event continued with the launching of the book The Magic of 70th UGM and UGM White Paper: “UGM Inspiration for Indonesia” by symbolically pressing the digital button conducted by the UGM rector, Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., and Head of the Publisher and Publication Board of the Publisher and Publication Agency, Widodo, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.
After that, the activity continued with the symbolic handover of the UGM Friends Scholarship, the Oman Friends Scholarship, and the KAGAMA Batch IX Scholarship which was submitted by representatives from KAGAMA, Destina Kawanti and the Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Alumni.
Another interesting thing that was found at the Alumni Night event was the presence of the first batch of alumni of the Faculty of Engineering majoring in Civil Engineering UGM and graduating in 1955. This moment was certainly very memorable considering that until now UGM has printed more than 340,000 alumni spread even to the rest of the world.
The program was also filled with entertainment from alumni such as KAGAMA Beksan and Adiswara Gadjah Mada Choir. It was also entertained by the appearance of The Kandang, one of a band formed by Civil Engineering students.
Alumni Night activities are routinely held every year in order to become an alumni meeting night with old friends and strengthen family ties. The night atmosphere of Balairung carved out the old stories of the alumni to always remember their college days and other times that were once memorable on the blue campus.
[Alumni Relationship / Article: Winona; Photo: Aan; Translate: Nadya]