FISIPOL alumni who is now the Special Staff Coordinator of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. AAGN Ari Dwipayana, S.IP., M.Sc., filled in the Provision of Prospective Graduates Graduation for the February 2020 Period Bachelor and Diploma Program which held at Grha Sabha Pramana Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Tuesday (18/2).
“Now millennial trends are no longer taboo to enter politics world. We, me and seven special presidential staffs, have the duty to be a bridge between millennial and the president,” he said in front of more than 1,500 prospective graduates.
Aside from being a coordinator for special staff, Ari is also a figure who contributes to helping substantive matters as presidential staff, one of which is making speeches and other texts used by the President of Indonesia in various events. Ari also talked about the philosophy of bicycles that President Jokowi often gave to the public who could answer simple questions during his visits to regions in Indonesia.
“By using a bicycle, we are asked to continue rowing the bike even though there are steep slopes. It means that hard work must be done in order to achieve the goal, “said the figure who is also actively writing this. One of his works is entitled Classes and Castes.
Ari’s role is not only inscribed in government, but Ari is also the Secretary General of PP KAGAMA (Gadjah Mada Alumni Family) for two periods. KAGAMA, said Ari, has been formed in all provinces of Indonesia and even KAGAMA has also become a forum for students who want to take part, one of which is through the formation of a KAGAMA community based on hobbies. As Secretary General of KAGAMA, Ari also appealed that alumni must contribute and benefit the community and the country.
“KAGAMA has 3 principles namely gayeng, guyub rukun, and migunani. KAGAMA is the only alumni organization that uses the word family because the enthusiasm of the alumni must unite like family. In addition, as a part of KAGAMA, we must be beneficial to society and the country,” said the figure who put forward this sense of caring and empathy.
Being an important and influential figure both in government and surrounding areas, Ari appealed to prospective graduates to maintain communication and build networks with fellow alumni after graduation.
The talkshow was moderated by Dr. Ayu Helena Cornellia, B.A., M.Sc., owner of Cornellia & Co Founders. who provides a lot of provisions, especially ethics in society to achieve the goals that have been made.
“The principle of life that I hold is 5 Ber. First is berprestasi (achievement). UGM student must reach sky-high achievements, not only in a small environment but also in a broader setting. Second, berakar (rooted). You must know that your roots are UGM which has values. Armed with these two values, it will produce other UGM values that make us united, not only fellow KAGAMA but also with the wider community. Last is berbagi (sharing). UGM Alumni must have the spirit to share. It’s possible to excel but don’t forget to share,” Ari closed in front of thousands prospective alumni.These things are the important capital that need to be invested by prospective graduates to enter the real world. Ari believes that UGM graduates are superior resources as potential contributors in developing the country. Finally, Ari said that we can produce and realize anything. As an alumni, UGM can surely achieve top achievements as long as they want to try as much as possible.
[Alumni Relationship / Article: Winona; Photo: Nadya]