KAGAMA unceasingly organizes various activities that are beneficial to the wider community, one of which is through a seminar on Plant Pests and Disease Management initiated by KAGAMA Fruits and Horticulture. This activity was held at the Multimedia Room, University Hall, Universitas Gadjah Mada on Saturday (7/3).
“I think this is an important topic. Why? First, because the pest is part of an organism that if it is not managed properly it can cause damage,” Wiwik Wijayahadi said in his speech.
Wiwik hopes that through this seminar, participants will be able to know the symptoms of pests and diseases in fruit and find out what causes it. After that, participants can find out how to manage pests and diseases that do not cause extensive losses and impacts, especially in crop cultivation.
Also present at the event titled Seminar on Pest Management and Plant Disease was the Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.H., LL.M. and Director of Partnerships, Alumni and International Affairs, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Sc., M.Sc.
After Wiwik Wijayahadi, the next remarks were delivered by Destina Kawanti, S.Sc., M.IP., as the Coordinator of the KAGAMA Facilitation Department for Foreign and Community Branches. Destina said that the existence of this seminar as a form of KAGAMA returned home, namely UGM, to hold beneficial activities.
“This community hopes to be able to benefit fellow members and in the future provide benefits to the surrounding and transmit what we have got here,” said Destina.
Prof. Dr. Paripurna in his speech conveyed that KAGAMA’s activities were specifically increasing the kinship. In addition, UGM is proud of KAGAMA’s existence because UGM cannot develop as it is now without the help of KAGAMA’s friends.
“This militant KAGAMA is becoming stronger and maintaining harmony so it is hoped that it can contribute to society and our country,” concluded Prof. Dr. Paripurna.
This Seminar on Plant Pests and Diseases Management invited Prof. Ariwiyanto Triwidodo who is a lecturer in UGM Pests and Plant Diseases. He conveyed the importance of understanding related to pest management in plant cultivation in order to minimize losses both materially and productively.
The existence of this seminar is expected to be a long arm to share with the wider community, especially farmers, related to the management of pests and diseases of crop cultivation.
[Alumni Relationship / Article: Winona; Photo: Nadya]