Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) once again held the UGM Greet Alumni Lampung at the beginning of this year in Golden Tulip Springhill Hotel, Lampung (14/3). On this occasion, UGM in collaboration with PP KAGAMA raised the theme “UGM & KAGAMA Synergize for Advanced and Prosperous Indonesia.” Hundreds of UGM alumni attended the event. Also present were the KAGAMA Central Board, Lampung KAGAMA Regional Board, Lampung Province Cooperative and UMKM Office Heads, Tanggamus Regent, Pesawaran Regent, and Pringsewu Deputy Regent.
On the occasion, the MoU was signed between UGM and PP KAGAMA, UGM MoU with Tenggamus Regency, UGM MoU with Pesawaran Regency, and UGM MoU with Pringsewu Regency related to tri dharma of higher education. The Regent of Pesawaran expressed his gratitude for UGM’s willingness to establish cooperation with Pesawaran Regency. He hopes that UGM can help optimize the potential of natural resources and human resources in Pesawaran Regency. The same thing was conveyed by Deputy Regent of Pringsewu who attended the occasion. He hopes and is willing to make his area as the location of KKN, community service, and research for the welfare of Pringsewu people. This will be continued with the Cooperation Signing (PKS) with related agencies so that it can be more detailed.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Lampung KAGAMA Regional Government in his remarks hoped that KAGAMA could contribute material to the economic development strategy in Lampung. The contribution of ideas from KAGAMA will make a direct contribution, especially in empowering the surrounding community.
In the talk show session, there were four speakers, namely, the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., Dr. Soeradi Soejarwo, Dr. Ari Damarstuti, Prof. Mahatma Kufapeksi and guided by Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M.
In the evenings, UGM and KAGAMA held a friendly meeting with the Lampung provincial government at the Lampung Governor’s Office.
What’s interesting about UGM Greeting Alumni this time is the realization of synergy between UGM and KAGAMA to jointly understand and solve problems faced by the region. In the end, it is expected to increase the active role of alumni in the regions to develop the country. (Ari & Dea)