UGM successfully hosted the second day of UGM Virtual Career Fair on Wednesday (16/9).
PT Ungaran Sari Garments kickstarted the event with a company profile presentation and information on current employment opportunities. The presentation was enthusiastically welcomed by participants who watched UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 live-stream on Youtube. They also actively asked questions related to the recruitment process. PT Ungaran Sari Garments as a primary industry player for basic clothing needs, is currently opening several vacancies predominantly aimed at engineering graduates. However, opportunities are also open for graduates from other majors as there are still many departments in PT Ungaran Sari Garments that require additional human resources.
The presentation was followed by a video screening by Berlico Mulia Farma, a subsidiary of SidoMuncul Group. The company aims to provide complete health services such as ethical products, OTC, supplements, herbal medicines, and others.
The event then resumed with a career talk show by Qlue Smart City. The webinar discussed the career development opportunities available when working at Qlue Smart City to the stages of the recruitment process. In addition, Qlue Smart City also has internship opportunities for fresh graduates. Galuh Pramesti, a speaker from Qlue, believed that internship, as a way to gain experience or training in the workplace, can help us participate in recruitment with our best conditions.
In addition to companies, UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 also collaborated with several foreign scholarship agencies like Nuffic Neso and IFI (Institut Français Indonesia). Various information related to studying abroad, such as the scholarship selection process, types of scholarships, ways of choosing university, and how to survive in another country were presented during the session. In addition, the speaker also provided tips needed during the selection process which would benefit the participants.
The closing presentation was delivered by PT Nawa Data Solutions, a company operating in the information technology and banking industry. In addition to having an international certification, the company also has 17 years of experience in software development and 11 years of experience in the banking industry. Most notably, PT Nawa Data Solutions provides a software developer scholarship program free of charges. It is not only open to information technology majors, but also other graduates equipped with basic programming skills. In addition, this program guarantees employment by promising direct recruitment at PT Nawa Data Solutions for passing candidates.
Presentations and webinars on the second day of the UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 provided a myriad of information on vacancies and career tips that were beneficial for participants. In addition to advice on employment, there were also know-hows for participants who want to continue their studies abroad. It is continuously hoped that the event can become a source of knowledge for all participants.
[Alumni relations/article:Winona,Photo:Dave]