KAGAMACare and UGM Alumni House, in collaboration with PT Bukit Asam, Tbk., Tlatah Bocah, and Alpad 88, held a Drawing Jamboree “Love the Environment with Bukit Alam” on Sunday (1/11) via Zoom conference. The event was intended as a reminder to protect the environment around us from an early age.
Gunawan Julianto, chairman of the Drawing Jamboree, detailed that 1,092 children from 32 provinces in Indonesia participated in the children’s drawing contest. Later, as many as 33 participants would receive a special acknowledgment from the organizers.
In his opening remarks, Apollonius Andwie C., Secretary of PT Bukit Asam management, said that the event demonstrated the company’s commitment and responsibility to sustain the environment. Notably, PT Bukit Asam already established an environmental management division. The company protocol is carried out comprehensively by implementing good mining governance, providing nursery locations for thousands of trees, replanting in former mining areas, and proper land and waste management.
“This event is expected to be a good medium for children to nurture their love for the environment as well as hone their creativity in drawing,” he concluded.
In line with Apollonius, the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni of UGM, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., also emphasized that environmental preservation is vital and is the moral, ethical, and legal responsibility of everyone.
“Events like this are amazing. Not only necessary and interesting but also unique because it uses drawing as a medium. When we draw, there is a transformation process from what is thought and realized—even more, when you draw elements taken from the surrounding environment,” he stated.
According to the keynote speaker for the Drawing Jamboree, Drs. Pustanto, M.M., the event was very well welcomed by everyone.
“The pandemic should not stop us from honing our skills and creativity, especially in fine arts,” he remarked.
Drs. Pustanto believed that this event could continue to ignite children’s enthusiasm to move forward without being overshadowed by the fear of various future possibilities.
The national drawing contest to the drawing festival is a testament to the cooperation of various parties in providing a place for children to be passionate and creative. In addition, the event is a joint effort in implementing the mandate of Law No. 5/2017 on cultural advancement, especially related to mentoring.
Various agendas invigorated the Drawing Jamboree. The first was a children’s drawing event with the theme “Love the Environment”. The event was followed by a storytelling session hosted by Riza Pranata, Junior Revegetation Supervisor, Environmental Management at PT Bukit Asam Tbk., and Adi Arti, Nursery Supervisor, Environmental Management at PT Bukit Asam Tbk. For parents, there was a casual talk show on education, art, and the environment in the family with speakers Anisa Cahya Ningrum, Parenting Psychologist, Joseph Wiyono, M.Sn., lecturer of Fine Arts at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta, and Susilo Adinegoro, a community education activist and founder of the Sanggar Anak Akar Jakarta.
This event aimed to encourage children to hone their creativity, especially in fine arts. For parents, the event hoped to encourage their support to help children’s creative development, especially during the current pandemic. Lastly, it intended to become an inspiration for other institutions in motivating and developing children’s potential. Together, we can instill kindness in children to continue to take care of the earth in the future.
[Alumni relations/article:Winona,Photo:Dave]