UGM award night was conducted offline on Wednesday (4/11) at the UGM Hall and online through Zoom Meeting Room and Youtube. The event is a series of the 71st UGM Dies Natalis which will be commemorated on 19 December.
Drs. Gugup Kismono, M.B.A., Ph.D., Secretary of the Rector, stated that 62 UGM civitas will receive awards for their achievements. Considering the pandemic, the event was held online and offline, though it was used to be held offline.
“Regardless the pandemic, the vibe remains the same as it gives an appreciation for outstanding work through their contributions for UGM and Indonesia,” he concluded.
Following it, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., the rector, expressed his gratitude in his welcoming speech for the achievements and contributions that have been given by the award-winner to UGM, the nation and the state. Even though this award night was held under different conditions, it certainly did not lessen the core meaning of awarding the excellent UGM civitas. In addition, the event conducted online aimed to protect ourselves, our friends, and our families.
“The Covid-19 pandemic brings many negative impacts on Indonesia and also other countries. The economic situation is deteriorating. The university produces many graduates, yet there are only limited employment opportunities due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the silver lining is that it unites us, strengthens our solidarity, and exercises our creativity and innovation,” he said.
He expected that the awardee would also participate to overcome the pandemic to reach a better health state and also a stable economy.
At the current Awards Night, the General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA who is also the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, was awarded the figure in category of community service for his contribution. Ganjar expressed his appreciation for all awardees and invited all to keep contributing for the country’s improvement.
The awards were given to excellent figures of UGM in five different categories. First, Pioneers of Aftermost, Foremost and Outermost Regional Empowerment was awarded to Susi Sukaesih, SE, for her achievements in initiating the Entrepreneurial Student Community and her contribution to the development of small areas. . Then, the Pioneer of Innovation, Design, and Creativity was awarded to Nosal Nugroho Pratama, S.T., M.Eng., who has developed an integrated social networking service based on sharing and multisided business unions and received an award from the government. Next is the Entrepreneurship Pioneer which was given to Dr. Eng. Arief Setiawan, S.T., M.Eng., who is active in social media with the titles “Business Tutorials with Bang Kiming” and “Info Business Ideas with Bang Kiming” and is an inspirational figure in various MSME businesses. Then, the Culture Conservation Pioneer category was given to Wiwin Indiarti, S.S., M.Hum., a pioneer in introducing forms of inheritance patterns for the Osing traditional art in Banyuwangi and a major inspiration in the formation of the mocoantraditional art community for young people. Finally, the award for Outstanding Young Alumni was given to Aris Prima, S.T., an inspirational teacher who dedicated himself to Indonesian literacy and also crafted in a book titled “Guru Apalah Apalah“.
The awardees of the Alumni Awards 2020 have proven and made their contribution to the institution, nation and state. Their achievements should be role models for young people to continue to hone their creativity and never be afraid to continue to innovate though they are still studying at university.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona, Photo:Dave]