UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 officially kicked off on Tuesday (17/11). This virtual job fair is the third since last September. UGM VCF is held through both Zoom, and YouTube live broadcast.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., the Director of the Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives UGM, stated that UGM VCF took advantage of the pandemic by providing a space for the university and its associated partners to interact and learn about the current development in the industries.
“We are trying to ‘hijack’ this pandemic by bringing students, alumni, and UGM stakeholders closer to interacting with each other,” said Dr. Danang in his opening speech.
The first day of UGM VCF was invigorated by speakers from one government agency and five companies. The event started with a webinar from Yogyakarta Administrative Regency Office of Manpower and Transmigration, which discussed the Labor Policy and Law. At least 1,143 companies had to close down during the pandemic, and the impact was indubitably felt by its workers. Hence, it is essential for the government to pay attention to the matter and mitigate the problem by creating new policies related to employment. Furthermore, the rights of both workers and employers should be codified in a law to make sure that the workers’ safety, welfare, and other rights can be continuously monitored.
The next host of the webinar was PT Anugerah Pharmindo (APL), a joint venture company with Zuellig Farma, a pharmaceutical company established in 1922 that has spread to thirteen countries. The company’s mission is to “make health care more accessible,” and it aims to provide health services to the entire community by delivering products such as vaccines, over-the-counter medicines, and medical devices to remote areas. In addition, it strives to improve people’s overall health. There are three programs from PT APL: improving health outcomes, nurturing talent, and respecting the environment. Career information at PT APL can also be seen on various platforms such as LinkedIn, JobStreet, and others.
Following PT APL was representatives from Polygon Group, a bicycle manufacturing company from Indonesia that has spread across 29 countries. In addition to company profiles, speakers from Polygon shared their thoughts on the best way to find a job, such as starting from identifying one’s characteristics to finding a suitable job according to one’s respective capabilities. Polygon Group also has vacancies in three areas: manufacturing (production division), support (recruitment division to product development), and commercial (marketing division). Information about career vacancies and internship opportunities can be found on the official Polygon Group website.
After Polygon Group, the event was followed by a sharing session by one of the BRI Senior Managers in the Human Capital Strategy & Policy Division of Bank BRI, Melia Pramadhona. Melia affirmed that no effort will ever betray the results—Melia herself had gone through hurdles, from taking opportunities at BRI Bank to finally pursuing further studies in the United States. Jumpstarting her career from a non-banking background, Melia continued to study and work hard until she finally discovered her passion in the Human Capital department. Melia’s message to all participants was to continuously learn and adapt in the workplace. She asserted that the best company did not necessarily provide the best place where we could develop optimally.
The next in line for the event were speakers from Widya Indonesia Group, one of the startups engaging in innovation. Widya Indonesia Group has six subsidiaries: Widya Robotics, Widya Wicara, Widya Analytic, Widya Skilloka, Widya Immersive, and Widya Edu. The company develops devices such as robots, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data management, and data analytics tools. It also provides services for human resource development and education. Widya Indonesia Group opens numerous job vacancies for graduates from various study backgrounds and is open to all applicants who want to develop their potential and are interested in the world of startups.
The last speaker came from Prima Food Internasional, a member of the PT Charoen Pokphand group located in Central Java. The company works in the fields of animal feed, broiler breeding and cultivation, food processing, and preservation of chicken and beef. Prima Freshmart is a subsidiary that provides and sells frozen food with around 700 outlets. The company was looking for qualified human resources to develop the company and was opening job vacancies to graduates from all fields of study.
Webinars from companies and institutions on the first day of UGM VCF 2020 were expected to provide as much information and benefits as possible for the participants. In addition to a new understanding, there were also many career opportunities offered at the event.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona, Photo: Dave]