Three companies and one education consultant service livened up the second day of UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020. Held on Wednesday (18/11) through Zoom and YouTube live stream, the event ran smoothly without a hitch.
PT Nawadata Solutions, a company engaging in the information technology and banking industry, opened the second day of UGM VCF 2020. In addition to having an international certification, the company also has 17 years of experience in software development and 11 years of experience in the banking industry. Most notably, PT Nawa Data Solutions provides a software developer scholarship program that caters to information technology majors and other graduates equipped with basic programming skills. In addition, this program guarantees employment by promising direct recruitment at PT Nawa Data Solutions for candidates who pass the class. PT Nawadata Solutions also shared strategies for successful interviews, passing psychological tests, and other career tips during their session—especially during the pandemic.
PT K-24 Indonesia, an Indonesian-based franchise pharmacy, was second in line for the event. Apotek K-24 has more than 500 outlets in various cities in Indonesia. Their concept goes beyond simply selling drugs by providing other services such as free consultation, 24-hour opening hours, guaranteed price consistency, and online services. PT K-24 Indonesia launches numerous vacancies for pharmacists, pharmaceutical technical personnel, financial officers, and supervisors. Moreover, the job vacancy is not only limited to graduates from the field of health and medicines but also other majors.
Following PT K-24 Indonesia, the next webinar was hosted by Bank Muamalat, one of Indonesia’s leading Islamic banks. Representatives from Bank Muamalat spoke on the developments and opportunities of Islamic banking in Indonesia and worldwide. The world of Islamic banking is believed to provide outstanding prospects in the future and is able to compete with other conventional banks. Bank Muamalat also offers many opportunities for participants interested in a career or internship chance through the various programs available at Bank Muamalat.
The last speaker for the event represented Nordic Student Service, an education consultant providing services, amenities, and facilities for those interested in pursuing further education in Sweden. The speaker started the session by introducing Sweden in general and exploring its recent development. Next, the agency representative explained the available scholarship programs in Sweden and their overall educational environment. In addition, information related to Sweden’s daily lifestyle, work, and education culture were also presented.
The second day of UGM VCF 2020 provided a myriad of useful information for job seekers and scholarship hunters. Certainly, this event was expected to become a stepping stone for students and alumni in kickstarting their career journey.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona, Photo: Dave]