The synergy between Universitas Gadjah Mada and KAGAMA formed in the Debriefing of Prospectives Graduates of the Bachelor and Diploma Program Period of November 2021. This event was held on Tuesday (11/23) through the Zoom Meeting Room and broadcasted on YouTube. Around 1,700 prospective graduates attended the event.
Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., Vice-rector for Cooperation and UGM Alumni, congratulated the prospective graduates..
“During your study, starting from entering the college graduated, unconsciously everyone cultivates UGM identity. Its character and values are now part of your identity,” said Prof. Paripurna.
It is undeniable that looking for a job then and now is different. In the past, many people only consider the position. The higher the position, the better it is. They ignore other aspects, even salary. In contrast, the current generation views work from its challenge. The experience offered by the company becomes a luxury for the current generation.
Anwar Sanusi, Ph.D., Deputy General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA II, also gave a remark. “UGM graduates are tenacious, hard workers, and true learners.”
He, then, explained the labour condition in Indonesia. However, there are also challenges and opportunities to increase its competency. He said that vocational training is a solution to accelerate the fulfilment of skilled workforce demand.
The speakers were Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and Dra. Tri Yuli Adriana, Psychologist., Deputy Director IV for HR, Student Affairs, and Astra Polytechnic Alumni. Acting as moderator was Dr. Nur Abdillah Siddiq, S.T., Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering. The talks show went smoothly.
“Experience does matter, especially talking about work experience. For example, I observe that staff who only chose to study and study, they found a hard time to adjust since the demand is sometimes different from what they study,” said Kunta, a figure who has worked for 27 years at the Ministry of Finance.
He mentioned that it is better to work first to find out what the professional world needs. Then we could continue our study and choose a relevant program with needs since education will broaden our horizons.
Being an alumnus of the Faculty of Economics and Business, he also told prospective graduates not to be sunk in the comfort zone because there are times when we have to make a lot of changes.
“Dedication and loyalty are the key in work. By implementing hard work and dedication, anything is possible. No matter where we are, as long as we can make breakthroughs and innovations and show that we work wholeheartedly, nothing to worry about. The problem is when we give up and lose hope,” he said.
UGM alumni must hone their soft skills. The first is integrity. Wherever we are, integrity is the most basic thing. Second is to work hard. All achievements and success are gained through hard work. Last is never ever give up.
In line with that, Tri also said that UGM graduates must have the spirit to face the challenges. Integrity, toughness, reliability, collaboration, and innovation are keys to being outstanding person.
“Given that, you could participate in several activities in the organization to hone your soft skills” she added.
Having abundant experience in HR, she said that basically, we could learn anything as long as we are willing to learn. Many applicants apply for a job irrelevant to their study program, yet they are confident to sell their skills.
“Curiosity is indeed needed. If we could solve a mystery, we would create a masterpiece. But, if it keeps piling up, then the opportunities will fall at your hand”, said Tri, an alumnus of the Faculty of Psychology.
The key is to be a person who is committed, has values and willingness, is curious, and can solve problems. She continued that the skills will be treated the same in the industry and not based on their educational background. However, as university alumni who highly value inclusivity, recruiters give a plus point for those who view differences as a strength.
It is expected that prospective graduates can equip themselves with UGM values, one of which is integrity. In addition, the speakers hope that the alumni can contribute to solving the nation’s problems and participate in developing knowledge and technology because the spirit of innovation is one of the characteristics of the nation’s improvement.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona, Photo:Anas]