The Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives again held Workshop to design the 2021 tracer study instrument for bachelor and diploma degrees on Wednesday (25/11) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Similar to the previous one, this event was attended by PIC Tracer Study from faculties and schools at UGM.
Director of Partnerships, Alumni and Global Initiatives, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., said that one of the tracer study implementation challenges is maximizing the response rate and adjusting several parameters set by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The highlighted parameters were the absorption of UGM alumni into the working world, the number of alumni who are entrepreneurs, and the number of alumni who continue further studies. They would be the main focus for the current tracer study implementation, which would measure the university key performance.
The challenges in improving the tracer study quality were how to increase the response rate and how to collect data as ultimately as possible. Since the questions were more detailed to meet the predetermined parameters, the number of questions will increase, and also the time required will be longer. It would, then, affect the response rate.
On this occasion, the participants reviewed points on the waiting period of work, the basic competencies often referred to by companies in recruitment, and several other detailed questions.
The tracer study is significant for mapping the stakeholders; to see how many alumni have worked in strategic partners. It would support the Merdeka Belajar program, a cooperation program between universities, companies, and the government to provide internship opportunities for final-year students.
This event was expected to support further tracer study and increase the response rate and collect complete data. It was also hoped that the tracer study would run efficiently and effectively.