The Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives and Alumni Relations Sub-Directorate disseminated Certified Student Internship Program Batch 1 of 2021 on Wednesday (13/01). Approximately more than 500 participants attended this event through the Zoom Meeting Room. They were students and the Head of Study Programs from various study programs at UGM.
“One of the internship objectives is to provide opportunities for UGM alumni and final year students to be exposed earlier to the working world or the professional world,” said Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., the Director of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives.
In his speech, he stated that this internship would allow students to work in the industry and be creative and implement their knowledge and skills acquired in their study before they graduate.
In collaboration with the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI), this program was adapted from the government programs, Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. It is also expected to shorten the waiting period for work and increase the employability rate. The indicator set by Higher Education is that 80% of graduates should have worked or continued further studies in less than six months.
Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., Head-chief of Alumni Relations Sub-directorate, delivered the information about the certified internship’s groundwork, the requirements, registration flow, and program implementation.
Then it was continued with a sharing session with one of the internship alumni, Ratna Fitri, who had an internship at Bank BRI. She said that not only could she apply the knowledge acquired during her study at UGM, but also she acquired new knowledge from the internship.
“When we are in an internship, we learn how to communicate and have ethics in the working world. Maybe we are used to the communication we had during lectures, organizations, and everyday life. But during the work, it is more than that, for example, communicating with our supervisor, ” she said. Furthermore, she could build a wider network and relationships.
QnA session followed the sharing session. Due to the increasing industry needs, many chances are open for students to intern and to have a stronger possibility of being recruited after completing the internship.
This internship program is a synergy of the government, universities, and industry to provide a platform for students to implement their knowledge in the career world. This dissemination is hoped to motivate students to participate in the internship program as their provision for graduation.
[Alumni Relations / Article: Winona / Photo: Dave]