PP KAGAMA and UGM soft-launched the song “KAGAMA Bhakti” at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Semarang and online through the Zoom Meeting Room on Monday (22/02). The participants, who attended the offline event, were GeNose checked and implemented the health protocol. Approximately 170 participants attended the event online.
Attending the event were the General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA as well as the Governor of Central Java, H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M.IP.; Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M.; UGM Director of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., as well as other UGM boards.
Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M. commenced the event by delivering his welcoming speech. On this occasion, he expressed his gratitude to the General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA for taking the initiative to propose GeNose, a UGM innovation, as a detection tool for Covid-19 at the national level.
“KAGAMA Bhakti song truly depicts if you are KAGAMA. Therefore, you have to prepare yourself to serve the nation, state, humanity, and the environment. Everything is explored in a good melody, “said Prof. Plenary.
Padi Reborn was chosen to sing the song KAGAMA Bhakti, composed by Dika Sri Hapsari, S.P., because Padi is one of the fighters against this pandemic, portraying health protocols through art.
“This event is promoting two things. The first is to remind KAGAMA that being UGM graduates means always serving. Second is to emphasize that health protocols are the most effective way against the pandemic, “he concluded.
After Prof. Paripurna speech, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni handed over the pins and certificates of Sahabat UGM to Triweka Rinanti, Padi Reborn personnel, and Dika Sri Hapsari. Then, “KAGAMA Bhakti” song note was symbolically handed over by the composer and Padi Reborn to the General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA. Last, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni handed books for job creation act review on the Work Creation Review Law and GeNose tools to the General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA. Then it was continued with playing KAGAMA Bhakti song.
The General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA, H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M.IP., in his speech said “First, GeNose is a struggle, a seriousness, and a commitment. And in the end, it is courage,” he said.
Ganjar also said that GeNose is a citizen product, scientifically tested, can be downstream-operated, and has high efficacy shown by most test results. Now, GeNose is echoing, which is a good momentum for further innovations, especially in the health sector.
“Second is KAGAM Bhakti which portrays KAGAMA’s love for the country through devotion.”
This event is expected to strengthen KAGAMA’s commitment to serving the nation, state, and humanity, especially in this pandemic situation. Apart from that, KAGAMA has many to advance the country through various kinds of contributions.
(Winona / Photo: Dave)