Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs represented by Sub-Directorate of Alumni Relations monitored the implementation of Tracer Study on Wednesday (7/4) through Zoom Meeting Room. Attending this event were the enumerators from each study program.
Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., Secretary for Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs, commenced the event. She said that this activity was conducted to increase the response rate of the Tracer Study in each study program at the faculty and school level. It is important considering that its result is one of the indicators affecting the study program’s accreditation. In addition, this monitoring also facilitates enumerators and faculties, and schools at UGM to give feedback to each other in improving the university curriculum.
Then, Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., delivered her presentation on the quarterly report focusing on the number of respondents in each faculty. It illustrated how well the tracer study was implemented and to find solutions for the problem encountered. The results showed that most of the alumni responses are satisfying. Besides, alumni from several departments have filled out the Tracer Study in line with the number of graduates.
On this occasion, the UGM Tracer Study team delivered the upgraded version to ease the form filling—for example, creating a more efficient system, creating videos that summarize Tracer Study implementation, and simplifying questions to make them objectively relevant.
It was expected that there would be more smart ideas to increase the response rate. Also, the result could be feedbacks for curriculum design to produce alumni who could compete in the working world and gain excellent skills.