Bank Negara Indonesia, in collaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada held an event titled “Ngabuburit with BNI46″ on Tuesday (13/4) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Ngabuburit is a leisure activity prior to iftar. Approximately 60 participants (active students from various departments) attended this event.
Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., delivered in her speech that the participants could collaborate with UGM and BNI to foster the talents through the programs offered. BNI has collaborated with UGM and has provided many great opportunities for students and alumni. Besides, BNI is also one of UGM’s partners that provides opportunities for career development activities in the university.
Maya Agustina, Head of Recruitment Group BNI, said that BNI collaborated with UGM in business and recruitment. Maya also stated that UGM talents have a good performance.
On this occasion, BNI explained the program offered, namely the Early Recruitment Program (ERP). It was delivered directly by Eza Lumaela, MGR of Recruitment Group BNI. ERP is a special program for fifth or sixth-semester students who have the qualifications to become BNI talents. ERP provides scholarships to outstanding students from top universities to become candidates for BNI employees. The facilities provided are tuition fees for two semesters, pocket money, thesis completion fees, grants for laptop purchasing, and training/internship/project opportunities at BNI.
The third-year students enthusiastically welcomed this opportunity because it helped them financially and developed their potential due to the internship and training opportunities offered. Therefore, it was expected that students could make the most of the opportunities s of this program.