UGM & KAGAMA annual virtual Syawalan was held on Sunday (23/5) via the Zoom Meeting Room and live broadcast via YouTube. This was the second time Syawalan held online in the midst of a pandemic. Even so, this event was enthusiastically welcomed by all KAGAMAs in various regions both in Indonesia and abroad. The event was attended by more than 1,000 participants from various KAGAMA communities.
The event was commenced with a presentation by dr. Riris Andono Ahmad, M.P.H., Ph.D., Director of the UGM Center for Tropical Medicine, regarding Mobility, Mutations and Covid-19 Pandemic Scenarios. dr. Doni said that we must be aware of virus mutations because it would impact the ability of transmission, the degree of disease severity, and the effectiveness of vaccines.
Sulastama Raharja, the committee chairman, expressed his gratitude to the KAGAMA because many KAGAMA communities had been active as a form of affirmation of UGM and KAGAMA’s readiness to continue to play a direct role in helping the community.
Also attending the event was Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Central Java and Chairman of PP KAGAMA. Ganjar expressed his gratitude for KAGAMA’s extraordinary participation and always hand in hand with UGM to complete homework in Indonesia. It was also emphasized by Budi Karya Sumadi, Deputy General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA as well as the Minister of Transportation of Indonesia.
“I am very proud of UGM and KAGAMA boards work to respond effectively in facing this pandemic,” he said.
He said we were facing an extraordinary pandemic, but Indonesia must be proud because Indonesia was one of the best in dealing with pandemics even though there was a possibility that the number of positive patients would increase. KAGAMA was also expected to continue to have the same thoughts and frequencies in welcoming a golden Indonesia by always maintaining solidarity and innovating and contributing to the nation and state.
This event was attended by the board of UGM, central KAGAMA, the local board of KAGAMA, and KAGAMA communities around Indonesia and abroad. Besides, many KAGAMAs also donated to Sahabat UGM as a contribution to UGM alumni and students in need. Hopefully, the donation would be beneficial for everyone in need.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., also presented an Eid greeting to all participants. Prof. Panut said that UGM collaborated with foreign and domestic agencies to develop vaccines and supply medical devices and medicines for Indonesia.
Though held online, the alumni interacted well as they greeted each other and shared information. Not only the representative for each KAGAMA, but also alumni of different year were actively participating through the chat box. The event then was continued by tausiah (broadcast of dawah) delivered by Gus Baha.
This event was expected to strengthen the relationship between all KAGAMA members no matter where they were. In addition, UGM and KAGAMA was expected to have a strong synergy to responding to global challenges and finding solutions for every problem in Indonesia.
[Alumni Relations / Article: Winona, Photo: Anas]