Universitas Gadjah Mada and PP KAGAMA worked collaboratively to produce the best graduates to meet the needs of the industrial market. They conducted a webinar entitled “Indonesian Employment Readiness to Face the 4.0 Revolution”. They also launched Kagamakarir.id, which will become a platform to accommodate UGM graduates seeking employment. Around 580 participants attended the event which was held on Saturday (12/6) through the Zoom Meeting Room.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., in his welcoming speech, stated that an innovative learning process is required in university as it will assist the students to be able to compete in both national and international industrial markets after graduation.
“We should keep in pace with the rapid knowledge and technology development, as well as the innovations”, he said.
Conforming to Prof. Panut, the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi, also said that this is the right time to support improving the quality of human resources.
“Reorientation and training of human resources is needed to align the educational curriculum and competencies that will be needed in the industrial world,” he said.
Pentahelix collaboration and synergy are then needed between the government, academics or universities, business people, communities, and the media. Through the partnership, the quality of human resources will meet the needs of the industrial market. In this event, BKS also launched Kagamakarir.id.
The Indonesian Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, who was the key speaker in the event, stated that the main challenge is a massive transformation process that causes economic distraction. As it happened, many jobs were affected by automation and were double hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The key is improving human resource development for a better Indonesia. Thus, the massification of vocational education and training is aimed to increase productivity. Ida welcomes and encourages collaboration from all parties to produce skilled talents.
Attending the event as speakers were the Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower as well as the Deputy Chairperson of PP KAGAMA II, Anwar Sanusi; Deputy President Director of PT Hotel Sahid Jaya Tbk / Member of APINDO’s Digital Economy DPN, Ratri Sryantoro Wakeling, and last was Psychologist & CEO of APDC Indonesia, Analisa Widyanigrum. First, Anwar explained the labor conditions in Indonesia and the steps that should be taken to improve the graduate’s competencies. Also, improving skills is required for those who are not college graduates. Massive transformation ranging from ability, work to social forces the current generation to think critically. Then, Rastri explained how to manage and hone our skills in the work. And last, Analisa explained how we have to understand what we need to understand and prepare ourselves before securing a job, especially in this era. The high industrial demand is not followed up with qualified human resources who excel in digital technology. On top of that, communication becomes a challenge as it is always at odds due to the year gap. Therefore, it is important to understand the pattern between generations, how to survive and respond to challenges in this era.
The pentahelix collaboration is one of UGM’s support for improving the quality of human resources to meet industrial needs. This seminar was expected to provide information about employment and its preparation. On top of that, it is hoped that Kagamakarir.id could accommodate prospective graduates and alumni to find a job to reduce Indonesia’s unemployment rate.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Anas]