Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia hosted a webinar on Wednesdat (23/6) through Zoom Meeting Room. The webinar was a chance to disseminate CPNS (Civil servant candidates) recruitment for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Approximately 170 participants ranging from different faculties attended the webinar.
Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., Secretary of the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, stated that being a part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would open a wider chance for alumni to contribute to the nation.
After last year’s vacuum due to the pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would open for recruitment this year, as stated by Drs. Winanto Adi, M.Sc., Head of the Human Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“Also as a milestone, the ministry would also recruit recent functional positions, chancery officers, and diplomatic information officers.” he explained.
Next in line was Teuku Zulkaryadi, Head of Information, Planning, and Human Resources Development. He explained the work culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It upholds the organizational value called PIMPIN, namely professionalism, integrity, benefit, proactiveness, innovation, and perseverance.
He then continued with three core business positions in the ministry: Diplomat, chancery officers, and diplomatic information officers. He also disseminated the information for recruitment.
“Applicant must have a strong mind because knowledge and skills could be forged later”, he stated.
Besides, applicants should have these competencies: integrity, achievement drive, hospitality, and cooperation. In addition, conceptual thinking, initiative, analytical thinking, decision making, strategic thinking, and effective communication are also strongly required. Foreign language proficiency is also important, especially for those who strive for a diplomat position.
The recruitment process would not differ from others as it would include applicant screening, assessment test (SKD-basic competency test through BKN CAT), related-field competency test.
The participant welcomed this opportunity and hit many questions, especially on the related field of study and the recruitment process. It was then explained by Diandra Isrodiyah, an alumnus of the UGM Faculty of Psychology, who is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 2019 CPNS recruitment.
It was expected that alumni could better prepare themselves while waiting for the official recruitment announcement.
[Alumni relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Anas]