Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted a Webinar Career #1: Public Speaking for Everybody. This event was held on Saturday (13/8) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Approximately 30 alumni attended the event.
Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., Director of the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, remarked that public speaking is an exciting subject. Further, he highlighted that UGM alumni should exercise skills in communicating and public speaking confidently. He continued that the speakers, public speaking experts, would provide insightful knowledge for alumni to hone their communication and public speaking skills.
Dr. Ayu Helena Cornellia, B.A., M.Si., founder of Cornellia&Co, conveyed that fresh graduates must surround themselves with positive vibes and believe they are better than others. She then explained the criteria most companies look in recruiting job seekers. First, fresh graduates must know the company profile they are going to apply for. Second, they must prepare an excellent and attractive CV to catch the recruiter’s eyes. Then, fresh graduates shall be adaptive and easy going besides being able to work in a team, active, and hardworking. The company is looking for candidates who are passionate about challenges, innovative, and able to master foreign languages well. On top of that, Ayu emphasized the significance of public speaking in her career. It does not only matter about hosting an event or hospitality, but it also shows how their values are well-delivered to the audience.
“When we do something consistently, persistently, and with qualified competence, one day we will ultimately reap what we sow. The world is your oyster,” said Dr. Ayu, who is also an alumnus of FISIPOL.
Robby Alfino, S.T., known as Obbie Asik, shared his experience in public speaking. He started his career in public speaking and entertainment since he studied at the Faculty of Engineering UGM. When he graduated, he was spoilt for choices, either to be an architect or a presenter. Following his passion, he eventually chose a public speaking practitioner and following the path for 16 years. He explained that public speaking skills can be learned and honed as long as we uphold a good attitude. The key is willing to learn and grow in any field and also looking for a role model as a reference to hone our skills. He encouraged alumni to hone their potential, especially in public speaking, and join his creative media team by becoming MC, video editor, and content writer.
This webinar was expected to enrich participant’s knowledge and soft skills, especially in public speaking.
[Alumni Relations/Article: Conney, Photo: Anas)