The fourth session of UGM Career Preparation Camp 2021 was held on Friday (1/10) through the Zoom meeting room. Approximately 100 participants attended the event. This event was part of the second CPC 2021, which brought the theme “Next Chapter Begin: Sharpening Your Strategy”.
Today’s session discusses Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD), which are part of job recruitment. FGD and LGD are distinguished in their purpose. FGD aims to explore information related to a particular topic or problem. Meanwhile, LGD is an assessment process for promotion, recruitment, and so on. Moreover, FGD requires a facilitator who moderates the whole process of discussion.
On the other hand, a facilitator’s role in LGD is limited as they only open and close the discussion. The assessment on FGD focuses on the participants’ answers/the response, while LGD focuses on the participant’s behaviour. On top of that, this session also identifies participant’s leadership skills and then hone them.
This session was moderated by two experienced trainers, Andika Octavianto, S,Psi., and Novanda Fatih, S.Psi.. The participants then were put into two groups. The trainers commenced the session by briefly explaining FGD and LGD along with tips and tricks.
Next in line, each class pointed six volunteer to do a role play of FGD and LGD, while other participants were observing. The FGD volunteer received a case and discussed it to reach a conclusion. The roleplay went smoothly and was interactive. During FGD, the observers (participants who did not volunteer), filling in the observation form to measure the volunteer’s capability based on the indicators. Once the FGD finished, all the participants reviewed and gave feedback on how to express opinion, convey information properly, control emotion, and integrate other ideas.
Some fruitful tips for group discussion are keeping up with recent issues, conveying our opinion politely without interrupting others, and giving opportunity to others. Moreover, we should take note (whenever possible) and attempt to understand other’s opinion. Then, integrate our idea with others. Last, we have to be confident during the discussion.
This event marked the last day for the second UGM CPC 2021. The session will be followed up with a career consultation next week. The participants will work in a group and be supervised by a psychologist and an assistant. They would discuss careers and their challenges.
UGM strived its best to prepare the students for work and career development. One of them is through UGM CPC 2021. Therefore, it is expected that the participants would be ready to land in professional work and could pass the recruitment process smoothly.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Anas]