The Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives UGM, through the Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations hosted an event entitled “A Sharing Session of Tracer Study Management between UGM and University of Lampung”. The event was attended by representatives and tracer study teams from both universities. It was conducted through Zoom Meeting Room on Thursday, 28 Oct.
It was a sharing session between UGM and University of Lampung related to the tracer study of higher education. Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations, initiated the discussion on the strategies and attempts by UGM in increasing alumni response rate.
“(At UGM) prior to the implementation of the tracer study, we conducted a workshop to explore the instruments following the dynamics of the Ministry of Education and Culture,” she explained.
During its implementation, UGM synergized with many parties to complement each other. Although the management is centralized, it also embraces faculties and study programs. Given that, it could be integrated and also could focus more on the relationship to alumni. Moreover, UGM also prepared programs related to career development and exploration.
To increase the response rate of tracer studies, UGM increased the synergy between alumni and universities, one of which is synergizing with KAGAMA to carry out events and a medium for dissemination.
“Through these events, we could build alumni and university engagement,” she said.
On top of that, the discussion also explored how to optimize the synergy between universities and alumni associations. Improving the quality of the instrument is an important thing to improve. Furthermore, we need to strengthen communication with faculties or study programs and alumni. It will then help to accommodate the specific needs of the faculties and study programs. As for alumni, this communication room serves to accommodate feedback and suggestions for improving the quality of the instrument. In addition, the communication room also helps to bring alumni closer to the campus.
This event is expected to be a means of information and discussion and collaboratively find solutions to increase the response rate of higher education tracer studies. In the future, there are still many steps that must be taken to further strengthen the integration and synergy between parties within the university and the university and its alumni.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Anas]