KAGAMA Surakarta hosted a Kethoprak show “Taman Sari Manca Warna” on Tuesday (12/21) at Gedung Kesenian Kethoprak Balekambang, Surakarta, Central Java. This event was held to celebrate the 72nd UGM Dies Natalis and the 63rd KAGAMA anniversary. Also, it was a form of Bhakti Budaya KAGAMA Surakarta for UGM and KAGAMA. The event featured Kethoprak Ngampung Balekambang, Solo and was broadcasted on YouTube channel GibranTV, Pariwisata Solo, and Bhakti Budaya KAGAMA.
Attending the event were UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng.: General Chairperson of PP KAGAMA, Ganjar Pranowo, General Chairperson of Surakarta KAGAMA, Branch Manager, KGPHA Dipokusumo, and Head of Communication for Indonesian Covid-18 Response Acceleration Task Force, dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro. On this occasion, Ganjar played a role as Adipati Pranowajati and successfully entertained the audience.
This play, directed by Dwi Mustanto, tells the heroic Mahapatih Gajah Mada from Majapahit kingdom. The audiences were enthusiastically watched the show either on-site or virtually. Once the performance finished, UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., cut the cone-shaped rice dish tumpeng
and handed it to the mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rangkabuming. Finally, it marked the end of the event. Following that, the Indonesian World Achievement Institute (LEPRID) handed the symbol of KAGAMA Surakarta love and gave award of the Lifetime Achievement Award to the artist, Muhammad Sahid Joleno, who has dedicated his life to traditional arts, especially kethoprak.
This show is expected to be held annually to celebrate UGM Dies Natalis and KAGAMA Anniversary. It is one way to preserve traditional art and support UGM to be locally rooted globally respected. In addition, it is expected to promote Indonesian culture worldwide. (Winona)