UGM, through the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, hosted “2020-2021 Alumni Gathering and UGM 2022 Tracer Study Preparation”. This event was held on Tuesday (28/12) via Zoom Meeting Room and was attended by more than 280 participants.
The Director of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt. stated that this event was not only an alumni gathering but also a means to disseminate how to fill in the Key Performance Indicator and Tracer Study forms. She emphasised that alumni participation will definitely help increase graduate employability. In addition, university, faculties, and study programs could process the result for curriculum development.
On this occasion, Dewi Nurma Agastya, S.S., National Library Philologist, and Fransiskus Anindita Kristiawan Pramana Gentur Sutapa, M.Eng., Staff of the Financial Services Authority, shared their experiences after graduating from UGM. They also spilled tips and tricks to secure a job during the pandemic.
Graduated in February 2021, Nurma is a Philologist at the National Library and also works at Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan (KHP) Widya Budaya, Library of Keraton Yogyakarta. She said that achieving her current position was not a walk in the park. At first, she started an online shop and public speaking course with her friends while waiting for a call.
She said, “We must truly know what we want, our interests, goals to lead which path to take before we graduate.”
Fransiskus A Kristiawan, known as Frans, said that his experience in various competitions and projects was a useful weapon. Further, he explained that the recruiters asked a lot about those experiences during the interview. They asked how he encountered problems and overcame them, how he communicated with the team, and his role in the team.
He then advised “We should attempt our best to load our strong weapons before graduating. It could be by participating in internships, competitions, or projects. It would be our plus points and catch the recruiters’ eyes.”
Further, he highlighted that self-awareness is the key, especially if you want to leave no stone unturned. Everyone must hone their self-awareness, said Frans, who participated in GAMAFORCE. It matters not the background but your attempt to have experiences in many fields, particularly considering that each job field is correlated.
“Second, never ever be left behind”. In this digital era, it means we have to continually develop and be updated with the information. Do not give a chance to be left behind,” said this alumnus of the Faculty of Engineering.
Nurma also seconded Frans’s statement. From her point of view, a job is not limited to office room, but many jobs out there are waiting for us.
“We should keep ourselves be updated with the recent information, and then reflect in our work. We should look for opportunities in many places and never ever give up. Believe that everyone has their own timeline,” she said.
Both agreed that it is never too late to develop themselves and secure a job. Everyone has their own pace to hone their skills and experience, and some can start working right away.
“The competition is not with others but yourself,” said Frans.
Next in line was dissemination for KPI survey and Tracer Study by Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M. Hum. She explained each step to fill the survey and emphasized its importance for university accreditation. She explained that the survey could be filled through Simaster and all the important instruments. Then, she opened a room for QnA.
This sharing session is expected to provide information for fresh graduates and final year students to prepare themselves before applying for a job.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Anas]