In collaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Deloitte Indonesia held campus hiring on Tuesday (12/07). “Deloitte X Universitas Gadjah Mada Campus Recruitment: One Door to The Future” was conducted online and attended by more than 45 participants.
The program was commenced with a remark by COO of Deloitte Indonesia, Eny Indria. Eny welcomed this campus hiring series warmly. This event was not only to increase cooperation with UGM but to provide opportunities for future generations. Furthermore, Eny hoped that the participants could prepare themselves and implement new skills and knowledge to Deloitte.
Head Chief of Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations, Dr. Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum, also said how proud she knew many students and alumni participate in this recruitment. Deloitte is a UGM strategic partner, providing UGM graduates with bigger opportunities. Besides, it is hoped to be link and match and shorten the gap between universities and the industrial world.
Following the remarks, the company profile was presented. Deloitte Indonesia is an independent company that provides auditing, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services for selected clients. The company is also part of the Deloitte Asia Pacific and Deloitte Global Network.
Next, all participants who have filled in the attendance list would receive an assessment via the registered email address. Participants then answered the test.
This event is also a form of real synergy between universities and the industrial world in recruiting as many young talents as possible while at the same time shortening the waiting period for fresh graduates. It is hoped that in the future, more strategic partners will hold direct recruitment and career seminars for the self-development of alumni.
[Alumni Relations/Article:Winona,Photo:Rosyid]