In the vibes of celebrating the 72nd dies natalis, UGM and KAGAMA held Playon (running). Joining the event were UGM civitas, Gadjah Playon Community, KAGAMA Runners, and UGM Runners Community on Sunday (19/12), the day of UGM Dies Natalis. Playon is running held online and offline. Under the theme “Guarding a Healthy Indonesia, Strengthening UGM identity,” 200 participants joined the event while implementing health protocols. To avoid crowds, Playon, was then divided into three departure waves.
Universitas Gadjah Mad, in collaboration with KAGAMA, hosted a synergy program called Alumni Night 2021 on Saturday (12/18) at Grha Sabha Pramana Floor 2 and online via the Zoom Meeting Room. This event was part of the 72nd Dies Natalis of Universitas Gadjah Mada.