The Yakkum Emergency Unit Needs Staff to be stationed in Palu, Lombok, Lampung, and Yogyakarta
UGM Achievers Night gives many awards to academicians and alumni of UGM who have performed and contributed to improving UGM quality and playing a role in development of the country. The Alumni Awards were also part of a series in peak events held at Balairung UGM on Wednesday (10/16).
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) through the Vocational Development Center (VDC) UGM Vocational School once again held a job fair & carrier expo in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower (KEMNAKER) and the Office of Manpower and Transmigration of the Yogyakarta Special Province. The event which was held on October 8th-10th brought more than 7,000 visitors over 3 days.
IDMETAFORA (PT Metafora Indonesia Teknologi) adalah perusahaan solusi IT di Yogyakarta yang memiliki visi menjadi salah satu perusahaan teknologi informasi terbaik di Indonesia yang representatif di kancah internasional. Fokus bisnis perusahaan kami adalah di bidang pembuatan website, sistem informasi berbasis web, dan sistem informasi berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Berdiri sejak April 2014, IDMETAFORA telah mengerjakan lebih dari 80 proyek dengan klien yang berasal dari Indonesia dan mancanegara.