Jambi – The continuation of KAGAMA management in each region has gained full support from many parties, including KAGAMA Jambi Province. Along with the end of KAGAMA Jambi management period 2013 – 2018, the new KAGAMA Jambi management inauguration was held on Saturday, 8 December 2018.
Yogyakarta – The digital world has changed many aspects of our lives, without we realize. President Director of Gama Techno Indonesia, M. Aditya Arief Nugraha during the Public Lecture and Talkshow ‘Nasionalisme di Era Digital’ in Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM, Thursday (6/12) said that technology could change characteristic and culture.
Yogyakarta – More than three thousand students from various universities in Yogyakarta were packed in Grha Sabha Pramana on Thursday (6/12). The second floor and GSP stands were full of enthusiastic students who will follow Public Lecture and Talkshow ‘Nasionalisme di Era Digital’ which held by the Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of Indonesia. The queue was already packed from 12.00 WIB
Along with the vast technology information development, employee recruitment system makes use of social media to recruit potential candidates. Curriculum Vitae and application letter will always be the main administrative requirement during job application process, but the jobseeker must know that there are something else that becomes consideration to the HRD on recruitment process, such as, the personality of candidates which can be seen through their social media. This recruitment method, by doing background checking, has been done by startup company such as LINE, State Electricity Company (PLN), even on scholarship program.
Bali – The Balinese people have high awareness and motivation to preserve sustainable environment which make Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) to do a movement and collaborate with them to actualize a sustainable environment by planting orchid flowers.
Yogyakarta – General Election 2019 currently becomes an interesting topic to talk about either in real life or social media, by the youngster and the elder. This democracy event is also enthusiastically embraced by young voters, including the students.